If you have managed to get your kids through their teen years I am sure you have some epic stories to share. As for the rest of us, the best is yet to come (can you feel the sarcasm noosing through this sentence?). But through all the growing pains, hormones and the general clutter and filthiness that seems to infest teenager rooms, there's one main theme emerging.
Teenagers know exactly how they want their rooms to be decorated and no longer need you to be involved, thank you very much. So hand over the credit card mum, and just be there for accepting the deliveries.
If you decide to get involved and help them re-decorate, remember to only offer opinions when asked. Unless of course they plan to order spray paint and graffiti the heck out of their space (which you are totally entitled to say "over my dead body to").
My kid is still 10 and that pretty much means I still have decision making power! He is also a boy, so not interested in hanging chairs and neon signs with motivational quotes nor mirrors and fairy light (I guess that's what most teenager girls like these days, no).
Nevertheless, I am seeing the photos that are flying about, so here are my suggestions for totally nailing the teenage bedroom decor. My advice: pass your phone/tablet to your teenager son/daughter and ask them to show you which look they would go for. That would be a good hint.
Cosy bedroom decor for cushion adoring teenagers
(tip: try cushions with words/messages)

Styling a personal space for an eco-warrior
(tip: you'll need plenty of plants!)

Designer bedrooms with industrial vibes
Tip: Try moody colour ways, metal and wood.

Use murals for impact
Young adults who like clean lines
I know, this is like an oxymoron (my son always laughs out loud when I use this word, more she because I then explain that 'moron' originates from the greek 'moro' which means 'crazy' as well as 'baby'. The discussion always descends into chaos at this point.) but some teenagers - both girls and boys - do love to keep a tidy room, and some just cannot handle clutter or busy spaces. For these teenagers, choose calming colour palettes and minimalistic decor.

Bedroom styling ideas for the young nomad
Tip: just go bohemian

Teens who like graphic patterns

Romantic bedroom decor
Tip: pink, and add texture for extra cosiness