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Creating a Wellbeing Space at Home: Your Personal Sanctuary for Mind and Body

In today's fast-paced world, having a dedicated space for wellbeing at home has become increasingly important. A wellbeing space can serve as a sanctuary where you can relax, recharge, and focus on your mental and physical health.

Whether you have a spare room or just a corner in your living area, creating a wellbeing space is possible and can significantly improve your quality of life. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to create your own wellbeing space at home.

Creating a Wellbeing Space at Home

1. Choose the Right Location

The first step in creating your well-being space is selecting the right location within your home.

Look for an area that offers privacy and minimal distractions. This could be a spare room, a quiet corner in your bedroom, or even a secluded spot in your garden. The key is to find a space where you feel comfortable and can fully immerse yourself in your well-being practices.

2. Declutter and Simplify

Once you've chosen your location, it's time to declutter and simplify the space. Remove any unnecessary items that might distract you or create visual noise.

A clutter-free environment can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm. For those who struggle with ADHD, this step is particularly crucial.

Consider establishing clear zones within your space for different activities, such as meditation, reading, or exercise, to help maintain focus and organization.

3. Incorporate Natural Elements

Bringing nature into your wellbeing space can have a calming effect and promote a sense of connection with the natural world. Consider adding plants, which not only purify the air but also create a soothing atmosphere.

Natural materials like wood, stone, or woven baskets can add texture and warmth to the space. If possible, position your wellbeing area near a window to allow natural light to flood in, as this can boost mood and energy levels.

4. Choose Calming Colors

The colors in your wellbeing space can significantly impact your mood and energy. Opt for a calming color palette that promotes relaxation and tranquility. Soft, muted tones like pale blues, greens, and lavenders are known for their soothing properties.

However, if you find certain colors particularly uplifting or calming, don't hesitate to incorporate them into your space. The goal is to create an environment that resonates with you personally.

5. Comfortable Seating and Surfaces

Comfort is key in a wellbeing space. Invest in comfortable seating options that support your wellbeing activities. This could be a meditation cushion, a yoga mat, a cozy armchair for reading, or a soft rug for stretching. If space allows, consider adding a small table or surface where you can place items like journals, books, or a cup of herbal tea.

6. Incorporate Mindful Elements

Add elements to your space that encourage mindfulness and reflection. This could include a small water feature for its soothing sound, a diffuser for essential oils, or a collection of meaningful objects that bring you joy or inspire contemplation.

Some people find that keeping a gratitude journal in their wellbeing space helps them maintain a positive mindset.

Creating a Wellbeing Space at Home

7. Lighting Matters

The right lighting can make a significant difference in the ambiance of your wellbeing space. Soft, warm lighting is generally more conducive to relaxation than harsh overhead lights. Consider using dimmable lamps, salt lamps, or candles to create a gentle, calming atmosphere.

If you plan to use the space for activities like yoga or reading, ensure you have adjustable lighting options to suit different needs.

8. Personal Touches

Make your wellbeing space truly your own by adding personal touches. This could be artwork that inspires you, photographs of loved ones or peaceful places, or meaningful quotes that resonate with your wellbeing journey. The key is to surround yourself with items that bring you joy and promote a sense of peace and positivity.

9. Tech-Free Zone

Consider making your wellbeing space a tech-free zone. The constant notifications and distractions from phones, tablets, and computers can interfere with your ability to relax and focus on your wellbeing.

If possible, keep these devices out of your sanctuary. If you need technology for guided meditations or soothing music, consider using a dedicated device that doesn't have other apps or notifications to distract you.

10. Multi-Functional Design

If you're working with limited space, consider how you can make your wellbeing area multi-functional. For example, a meditation cushion could double as extra seating when needed, or a folding screen could be used to create a temporary private space in a shared room. The key is to be creative and flexible with your design to maximize the use of your available space.

11. Sensory Considerations

Don't forget about engaging all your senses in your wellbeing space. Consider incorporating elements that appeal to touch (soft textures), smell (essential oils or incense), sound (a small fountain or wind chimes), and even taste (a selection of herbal teas).

Creating a multi-sensory environment can enhance the overall experience and effectiveness of your wellbeing practices.

12. Regular Maintenance

Once you've created your wellbeing space, it's important to maintain it regularly. This includes keeping it clean, refreshing elements as needed, and periodically reassessing whether the space still meets your needs.

As your wellbeing journey evolves, don't be afraid to make changes to your space to better support your current goals and practices.

It's worth noting that while creating a wellbeing space at home can be beneficial for many people, including those recovering from various challenges, it's not a substitute for professional help when needed.

For instance, individuals dealing with alcohol addiction should seek professional support and consider rehab for alcoholics as part of their recovery journey, in addition to creating a supportive home environment.

In conclusion, creating a wellbeing space at home is a personal journey that can significantly enhance your overall health and happiness.

By thoughtfully designing a space that speaks to your individual needs and preferences, you're investing in your long-term wellbeing.

Remember, the goal is to create a sanctuary where you can disconnect from the stresses of daily life, reconnect with yourself, and nurture your mind, body, and spirit.


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Jenny Kakoudakis likes to blog about interiors. She launched the award-winning Seasons in Colour in 2014. When she is not chasing criminals out of the financial system (her day job), she gets creative by redecorating her own home.

Download her free bathroom renovation guide here.


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